Level Tujuh - Event Organizer Solution

Level Tujuh is an event organizer with incredible depth. They are accustomed to handling large scale events ranging from corporate gatherings to Live TV musical events. Multinational companies are their usual clients. Officially named Level Tujuh in 2008.

Their office in one of Jakarta’s elite neighborhood offers what none other offer. They have a large LCD TV consumed only for video games. You can find a variety of video game consoles there to play with while they do your thing.

My job here is to make their presence on the internet be bold. I set up their emails and website to accomodate these things. So go on and contact them for your event needs.

[caption id=“attachment_90” align=“alignnone” width=“250” caption=“www.leveltujuh.com”]www.leveltujuh.com[/caption]