Google Analytics JS - Here's a Non JS Fix

This will be the second time I once again dissect what is really happening with Urbanesia’s analytic results. The first time I dealt with it, we ended up breaking our own sacred oath not putting any inline Javascript with our HTML. Well now, we ended up not using any Javascript (in the future). These past few weeks our servers recorded an increase compared with previous months and somehow Google Analytics is not showing anything unusual. [Read More]

Mobile App Analytics

We’ve all heard, used, tweaked and cherish Google Analytics either for its web or mobile web capabilities of serving us information about our visitors. So I’ve been wondering about a mobile app equivalent I can use with the exception of mobile ad networks. I came across Flurry a couple months ago and still using it until now. One of Flurry’s edge compared to other platforms is plainly and simply because it’s the most flexible and complete with a price tag 0 in any currency. [Read More]