Android's Camera Preview

This is a note to self post. Today I’ve been figuring out to have my own custom Camera Activity. A newbie mistake made the Activity to block the UI when initializing. Here’s the problem and the fix. I started camera.startPreview() at surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder). When I moved to surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height), everything turns out as expected. Here’s the full class with an explanation below. To made matters worse, I called camera. [Read More]

Root Imo Discovery II

I just got this China made phone today. My first time having one and I must say I am very impressed with the performance. Not just on paper, it’s a powerful 1.3 GHz quad core phone indeed. First and foremost, root access is mandatory to hack this phone further. It’s a newer phone being released just last month on February 2014. Resources are limited at the moment. Rooting As it turns out, it’s dead simple. [Read More]

Monitoring Android with Flask

This blog post is a mirror and a more detailed representation of the materials I’m talking about at Kopi Darat Python Indonesia - December 2013. Slides can only say so much, here is where the intimacy starts. Warning Any and all of the information including source code available here are for educational purposes. Please use them responsibly. That being said, all codes are basic implementations only. Please get your hands dirty. [Read More]