Making Homebrew Play Nice with Sphinx & MySQL

So I’m revisiting an old friend, Sphinx. It’s been a while and warming up to Sphinx’s new features. However, when I tried to brew install it, I got no MySQL support.

The above gets more complicated because I’m not using vanilla MySQL, instead I’m using Percona Server on my machine. So to get thing going, here’s what I did.

$ brew unlink percona-server
$ brew install mysql-connector-c
$ brew link percona-server
$ brew install sphinx --mysql


Naive Bayes Classifier - Revisited

During the last week, I’ve been following up work with a side project to do machine learning with Urbanesia’s comprehensive data. A lot of late night reading and fiddling with foreign codes were the highlights of my last week. Wanted to elaborate my implementations and how several kinds of technologies affect benchmarks particularly with classification performance. The repo for the codes is at Github here. During time span of the first batch of codes until now, I have made lots of changes to the codes and also the data store. [Read More]

Simple Naive Bayes Classifier for PHP

Recently Hacker News is flooded with numerous articles discussing or at least mentioning Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. It’s a basic algorithm to classify a set of words into a certain category (set) based on prior learning of words and its probabilities. It sounds simple enough but without actual technical guide book, it’s quite trivial since most of the information out there regarding it is too messy for newbies like myself. [Read More]

HandlerSocket Client Library for CodeIgniter

These past weeks, I’ve been amazed by the amazing performance offered by HandlerSocket right out of the box. You’d amaze yourself after reading a blog post by Yoshinori Matsunobu about the topic, he managed to get 750 thousands queries per second!

Well I wanted to try it on my own and see how it goes. Here’s a CodeIgniter library intended just for that!


Small is NOT so small

It’s been like a few months not posting into my own blog. The 24th day of 2011 and it seems that months have passed by just like that. In the span of 24 days that have passed, every single day is cramped with all the aspects of being a startup. Just today, I went from a programmer, a cable crimper, a business partner, a troubleshooter, a mobile app consultant, a colleague to a friend for a friend, all in just one day. [Read More] - Stock Photo Indonesia

This website is aimed as THE portal of Indonesian stock photos. Currently still in the process of piecing it all together. What I can tell you, it’s a purebred of OpenSource magic and Facebook will be its best friend. A first for me to incorporate Facebook wonders with websites. My first start was Facebook Connect. The Connect feature is already live on the homepage. Although now not 100% yet, it’s a preview of what’s to come. [Read More]