Simple Naive Bayes Classifier for PHP

Recently Hacker News is flooded with numerous articles discussing or at least mentioning Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. It’s a basic algorithm to classify a set of words into a certain category (set) based on prior learning of words and its probabilities. It sounds simple enough but without actual technical guide book, it’s quite trivial since most of the information out there regarding it is too messy for newbies like myself. [Read More]

Augmented Reality Browser in 10 minutes with Wikitude API

This blog post is a simple tutorial to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a full fledge Augmented Reality browser with Wikitude API. It will only take 10 minutes of your time in its most simplest form, ready to be customized with your own needs. It should be easy enough to let you innovate on your own. For this to happen, I assume you already have these items ready with your setup: Eclipse (Preferably Indigo) Android Developer Tools for Eclipse here Android SDK here Wikitude SDK here [Read More] - Stock Photo Indonesia

This website is aimed as THE portal of Indonesian stock photos. Currently still in the process of piecing it all together. What I can tell you, it’s a purebred of OpenSource magic and Facebook will be its best friend. A first for me to incorporate Facebook wonders with websites. My first start was Facebook Connect. The Connect feature is already live on the homepage. Although now not 100% yet, it’s a preview of what’s to come. [Read More]