Simple Naive Bayes Classifier for PHP

Recently Hacker News is flooded with numerous articles discussing or at least mentioning Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. It’s a basic algorithm to classify a set of words into a certain category (set) based on prior learning of words and its probabilities. It sounds simple enough but without actual technical guide book, it’s quite trivial since most of the information out there regarding it is too messy for newbies like myself. [Read More]

The Improbability of The Impossible

How many strands of thread does it take to keep us from being naked everyday? A whole lot for sure! How do you somehow collect all those strands and weave them into a single united strands that we wear everyday? Easy, a needle, strands with enough length and a significant amount of time and energy should suffice. So what’s the substance connecting all the dots? Technology. Dissecting and subordinating the impossible usually starts with HOW. [Read More]