XL Content Modifying Ads - Part 2

My tweets and the previous post have gone viral. Lots of reactions both positive and negative. Some retweeted immediately and some calling me a fool for writing about injecting content within an SSL connection. Amazing to see all the responses. There is a pattern to be seen with people who reacted negatively: they tend to don’t care about the ads. Here’s my said tweet: Jangan pake KlikBCA di jaringan @xl123 kecuali login credential lo mau lo share sama xl, kalo begitu monggo. [Read More]

Machine Favorited Tweets - Organically Improve Followers Count

Last night, I read about James Moriss’ blog post on how to gain more followers by favoriting other tweets relevant to your own tweets or some other keywords you are interested in. The downside was, you still have to input the keywords yourself. So I hacked up some codes let the codes figure out what keywords are proper. My first try into Python’s NLTK. WARNING: The codes below are not production ready codes. [Read More]