Machine Favorited Tweets - Organically Improve Followers Count

Last night, I read about James Moriss’ blog post on how to gain more followers by favoriting other tweets relevant to your own tweets or some other keywords you are interested in. The downside was, you still have to input the keywords yourself. So I hacked up some codes let the codes figure out what keywords are proper. My first try into Python’s NLTK. WARNING: The codes below are not production ready codes. [Read More]

HMAC-SHA1 Base64 Result With Objective-C

A few days of hard done nights were all inspired by faulty encodings. Talk about “Hello World” experiences LOL. Keeping things in mind, to really smooth things up between Objective-C and PHP, in any Objective-C functions needing to encode/decode strings like PHP, here’s the encoding type: NSASCIIStringEncoding Do not interchange this with any other or things will go wrong :( Here are snippets to generate HMAC-SHA1 hashes in its Base64 form encoded correctly for OAUTH v1. [Read More]

Wandroided By Jogi Silalahi

This is cool! Tonight I was interviewed by @JogiSilalahi to talk about Android in Twitter. Cool idea to do it on Twitter, making the best out of 140 characters to deliver precise responses. Thanks Pak :) Here’s the interview transcript. mau ngingetin, nanti kita ada #wandroid (wawancara android) dengan bapak @tista jam 8 malam. bagi pecinta android bisa gabung dan ikut nanya 30-Nov-10 07:54 | jogisilalahi RT @jogisilalahi: mau ngingetin, nanti kita ada #wandroid (wawancara android) dengan bapak @tista jam 8 malam. [Read More]

#hwotd on Twitter

It’s 2010 now! I’m starting 2010 with a resolution to tweet “Hello World” in various languages (programming languages included) at least once a day. All of my “Hello World” tweets will end with #hwotd. I’m doing this for the sheer fun of learning multiple languages. Other than that, I want to let you guys know the first step in any programming language. I written my first “Hello World” in BASIC more than 18 years ago. [Read More]