Cloud Install Linux With a Browser!

So these past days, I’ve been looking for a nifty replacement (new home) for - The only webhosting with 10 gigs web space for just 200K/year! Sorry for the hard selling gesture, completely intentional :p After a few sessions with Google, I stumbled, it comes with a 7 days free trial I might add.

First look at its website does not resemble anything like the other cloud server providers. No fancy stuffs, the get right to the point.

[caption id=“attachment_609” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Superiority I Guess”]Superiority I Guess[/caption]

Since it was on free trial for 7 days, I have no hesitancy to sign up and give it a go. After filling all the required forms, they asked me for a phone number to verify my being as a human lol. Just a few seconds after clicking the button, the phone rang with confirmation codes. It was quite effortless :D

At this point, everything was standard and nothing out of the ordinary stands out. I logged in with my credentials and here’s a screenshot of its control panel.

[caption id=“attachment_610” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“CloudSigma Control Panel”]CloudSigma Control Panel[/caption]

If you look into the welcoming window there, you’ll see my tweet there retweeted by @cloudsigma and it puzzles me. I think they just look for keywords around Linux distros and web based installers cause I didn’t mention them at all at the time.

The next step was choosing a Linux Distro to install by clicking on the Drives Library icon. I was amazed to see a LOT of distros. They even have BSD distros as well. I haven’t see it through yet, I clicked on my favorite distro first :)

[caption id=“attachment_611” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Distro Choices”]Distro Choices[/caption]

Creating a server is as easy as choosing a Distro. Just a click on My Servers followed by a click on Create, the wizard pops out. Now there, you can choose how many processing power, memory and storage you’re gonna need for your next instance complete with an estimate of how much it will cost/hour.

[caption id=“attachment_612” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Create a Server Instance”]Create a Server Instance[/caption]

Just click on Start and your server is up and running. The best thing is, you can use VNC to connect to your created instance and do the installations from there. What’s even cooler, you can VNC from your web browser directly with no Java applets, just pure HTML5 magic! I love this, living on the edge is GOOD!

[caption id=“attachment_613” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Install CentOS From a Browser”]Install CentOS From a Browser[/caption]

The picture above wraps an exciting new experience for tonight, I’ll blog more when my Cpanel installation is done :)