Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Beta Testing Using Your Customers

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Beta Testing Using Your Customers
First of all, WHAT A FLIGHT SIM! In terms of graphics, I don’t think there’s anything close to rival. Leveraging Azure’s worldwide CDN to stream content is a brilliant feat, flight sim content being dynamic means improvements to the content will be delivered faster to us. Picture perfect graphics though comes with a hefty tax on our PC builds, this is next gen material. ![]() Built for MSFS 2020 As much as I love the graphics, was not impressed with frame rates. [Read More]

Killing Time - Android Apps Instead of Smoking

This few weeks, I’ve been actively downloading and using apps just to try them on and see which ones that’s enough to make my smoking habits go away for a while. Some of it are apps you only use occasionally while some are apps you’d definitely use everyday when it suits you. Basketball Shot - DroidHen This app is addictive because I like the sports and although now I rarely play, I like to go to Timezone and shoot some. [Read More]