Poligami ala Augmented Reality

Akhir-akhir ini saya yakin sudah sering mendengar istilah Augmented Reality (Realitas Tertambah). Jika ditelusuri perkembangannya, aplikasi AR sudah ada jauh sejak generasi HP dengan kamera terintegrasi. Menurut Wikipedia (Bahasa Indonesia), AR jika kita lihat definisinya adalah sebagai berikut: Realitas tertambah, atau kadang dikenal dengan singkatan bahasa Inggrisnya AR (augmented reality), adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda maya tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata tiga dimensi dan menampilkannya dalam waktu nyata. Saya kira definisinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia kurang tepat jika dibandingkan dengan definisi Bahasa Inggris menurut Wikipedia: Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated imagery. [Read More]

Another #Mixare Snippet

Lately, there’s been quite an amount of traffic to my blog related to Mixare. So I figure why not share more insights. You are most welcomed to share too by commenting this or other Mixare posts. To be honest, I’ve been focusing my efforts with another yet closed source Augmented Reality viewer in Android. I will post a tutorial soon. From all the frameworks I got my hands on, I must say Mixare is the simplest and most definitely easier to implement than any other frameworks. [Read More]

Mixare Augmented Reality Tutorial

Good evening to you guys before I start. [flashvideo file=http://www.bango29.com/mixare.flv /] I’ve been in guerilla mode for Augmented Reality solutions these past few weeks and I found Mixare to be one of the best to date. It’s Open Source and have put enough knowledge in my head to make my own app. I wanna share the knowledge I got from Mixare. This is my contribution. Before starting, please make sure you have all the requirements of a regular Android development environment. [Read More]

Augment YOUR Reality

Good evening! I’m liking my Nexus One, I’m sure you’ve read it over and over on my last posts. What’s really inspiring is the freedom to do just about anything you want with the phone. I love how I can just push my self-developed applications onto the phone just by using Eclipse. It makes it easier to do testings. No complicated code signing and or certificate applications needed. Anyways, these past few weeks, I’ve been developing an Augmented Reality application for a client. [Read More]