Accident Happens

Just a few days ago, an accident happened. It was 4 AM and I am moving this blog over to CloudKilat. Already got the MySQL dump transferred, would need to have the whole site rsync-ed to the new server. So I did it. Without me realizing, I misplaced the source and destination ending up the new server’s home directory rsync-ed to the original server. A fundamental mistake. Luckily, as I said above, the MySQL dump is already safe at hand so to rebuild another Wordpress blog would be a matter of configurations. [Read More]

MongoDB With CodeIgniter

Today was started with a big curiosity towards Urbanesia’s recent performance drop. This week we discovered that although we have completely revamped our codes to hack CI to use MongoDB as its session storage instead of MySQL, we found that Memcache is the bottleneck. When I woke up today, I was devastated to know that it took at minimum 5.7 seconds to load any of our business profiles. So I went hunting for the source of this irritating loading time. [Read More]