Hacking DailySocial's News

DailySocial.net is a tech blog founded by Rama Mamuaya. I enjoy visiting DailySocial and reading about the Indonesian tech scene. But yet I’ve grown weary of filtering news to read. So why not hack a news classifier I thought. Core Computing It took 10 minutes to hack something up in Python. Why so fast you ask? Because text processing is second nature in Python. NLTK is good but TextBlob is great. [Read More]

WordGrapher - Build A Graph from Words and Documents

Just recently (last night), Steven Loria updated TextBlob to v0.5.0. The module enabled a relatively easy way to do Natural Language Processing in Python. NLTK is a dependency so it’s familiar turfs with an easier getting started part. Based on this, I did also did an easy way to parse a set of words and documents to measure important keywords based on TF-IDF algorithm. A few minutes ago I uploaded the module to PyPi and tagged it as v0. [Read More]