OAUTHnesia for Windows 8 Metro Apps C#

The last few days at Bandung was spent hacking a “proof of concept” application for Windows 8 Metro without using Urbanesia’s OAUTHnesia library. Now the library is done but still needs a few tweaks. All updates of the codes will be live in its Github Gist.

Without further ado, here’s the gist: [gist][/gist]

Jajan for Android Open Sourced at Github

Jajan for Android is now Open Sourced at Github a few hours ago. I personally hope that by looking at the source code provided, more and more developers will sync to the tune of how easy it is to create an Android application. I wrote most of the codes 7 August 2011 in under 4 hours. Using ready made libraries already available within Android and also other third party libraries, it helped to ease the complications. [Read More]

HMAC-SHA1 Base64 Result With Objective-C

A few days of hard done nights were all inspired by faulty encodings. Talk about “Hello World” experiences LOL. Keeping things in mind, to really smooth things up between Objective-C and PHP, in any Objective-C functions needing to encode/decode strings like PHP, here’s the encoding type: NSASCIIStringEncoding Do not interchange this with any other or things will go wrong :( Here are snippets to generate HMAC-SHA1 hashes in its Base64 form encoded correctly for OAUTH v1. [Read More]

OAUTHnesia Client for Objective-C

Okay for the last few hours, I’ve been learning how to code in Objective-C and the first result is an OAUTH client for Urbanesia. I haven’t tested thoroughly though. The class basically wraps POST & GET requests to Urbanesia with OAUTH requirements. Instantiating the class, you will have to provide Consumer Key & Secret obtained from Urbanesia. The current implementation requires User Key & Secret for every requests too. Future release of OAUTHnesia will include non Use Key/Secret methods and XAUTH. [Read More]

@Urbanesia API #Android Class

It’s been quite a day today. Did some code reworking with an app I showed you guys in my last posts. I decided to publish the Urbanesia class to Google Code and make it GPL v2.

I encourage everyone to contribute and make more modifications. I’m not as experienced as others in Java, would love to learn more. The Google Code URL is:


Enjoy and empower yourselves developers!