Spontaneous Writing

Okay the title says it all. Been wanting to write a blog post all day but didn’t really got the time until now. This will be the 3rd night in December when insomnia is becoming a habit. Anyways, I wanted to write but I wanna do it “spur of the moment” style. So this blog post will talk about anything that pops up in my mind, bear with me :p [Read More]

Urbanesia API Wrapper Released - Merry Christmas!

Before anything else, I would love to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone, have a great holiday and may the Christmas spirit make all of us ready for 2011. God bless you all :) This 2 days I’ve been working on a wrapper class to wrap Urbanesia’s OAuth and xAuth authentication for our API. The main idea was to keep it as simple and as easy as possible. Here’s my Christmas present :) [Read More]

Android - Create SHA1 Hash

I’ve been toying with Urbanesia’s OAuth provider API calls in Android these few hours regretting why it is so complicated in Java compared to PHP hehehe. Since OAuth’s requirement to generate a signature is using HMAC SHA1 to sign the whole POST & GET requests, I had to find a way to do it in Android’s Java. So I scour Google to look for answers but sadly the results is surprisingly scarce. [Read More]

Superpowered Geeks

What a title lol! I just had one of the geekiest night just a few hours ago. Not in front of a laptop I might add, it’s one of those days when a few geeks gather to talk about geekness. The vitamin for the night are no other than towers and towers of Bali Hai beer at Bremer Kemang. Quite a night to wrap off a week full of prograsm :) [Read More]

Thoughts of Grandeur - OOPS

Okay the title is a WTF right? To be honest, this blog post is inspired by one of the earliest episode of Heroes when Nathan and his Mom told Peter that he is having illusions of grandeur. Evidently, Peter became one of the most talented and gifted mutant of them all, he figured out how to gain any power he wants without killing the subject unlike Sylar lol. Well subjectively I must say that thinking BIG is a blessing. [Read More]

Hello Urbanesia!

A cheerful morning today. Exactly 1 month before my birthday and the switch to Urbanesia is complete. Very happy to integrate with Urbanesia with the role Chief Innovation Officer. Selina Limman, CEO of Urbanesia told at Urbanesia’s blog here a short recap on how this all began. From my point of view, I just love Urbanesia’s currently over than 200.000 POIs database. No other local website is enriched with that much data and its quality is an example to follow. [Read More]

Poligamy AR - Redesigned UI - by @andreasfendri

Hi everyone. This past few weeks, a friend of mine @andreasfendri is working on a renewed UX for Poligamy AR. I am in debt with him and please accept my thanks ndre :) Back to Poligamy AR, it’s a needed refreshment from the standard Android UI set. The design is now featuring custom made tabs and list view. Looking at the design initially, I was impressed with Andre’s touch of modern UI and combining it with wooden elements. [Read More]

Augmented Reality with #Wikitude API

I told you before that I’m gonna talk about another Augmented Reality framework. The framework is a great product from one of Augmented Reality’s early adopter namely Wikitude. Generally speaking, it’s more complicated than Mixare but offers more customization and definitely more features. I’m gonna build this tutorial with the following features: External Data Source - I’m using JSON from Urbanesia.com API. In-app WebView bindings - To display WebViews of any POIs URL. [Read More]