Naive Bayes Classifier in Python v1.0.4

Just finished work on a Naive Bayes Classifier in Python. Was interested to benchmark Python performance with large data sets. Also had the chance to get to know more about Cython. Indeed as a C extension, it increased performance. So this project all started from my own implementation in PHP here. As it turns out, PHP is more performant than Python as of version 1.0.4 of this library. But there are differences. [Read More]

Jajan for Android Open Sourced at Github

Jajan for Android is now Open Sourced at Github a few hours ago. I personally hope that by looking at the source code provided, more and more developers will sync to the tune of how easy it is to create an Android application. I wrote most of the codes 7 August 2011 in under 4 hours. Using ready made libraries already available within Android and also other third party libraries, it helped to ease the complications. [Read More]

OAUTHnesia for PHP

It’s 2012 now and Urbanesia is publishing a new OAUTHnesia client for Urbanesia’s API. This time it’s for PHP. Why it took so long to actually finish a PHP version is because we gave up on a third party library that is too complicated to do simple things. So without further ado, the codes are available below.

@Urbanesia API #Android Class

It’s been quite a day today. Did some code reworking with an app I showed you guys in my last posts. I decided to publish the Urbanesia class to Google Code and make it GPL v2.

I encourage everyone to contribute and make more modifications. I’m not as experienced as others in Java, would love to learn more. The Google Code URL is:

Enjoy and empower yourselves developers!

Mobile Augmented Reality, A Basic Tutorial - Part 1

On my last post, I mentioned the definition of Augmented Reality (AR). Now I’m adding the word Mobile to it. At the current time, platforms that I’ve tried to developed upon supporting AR are iPhone and Android. Well actually I coded once and used Titanium Developer to make the actual executable files for each platform. Titanium offers current web standards as a mean to create those mobile applications. I’m now using Titanium Developer 1. [Read More]

A New Breed of Web Potentials

This year 2010 is set to be a cloudy year! Why? Well it’s practically the year where everything cloudy are launched. Web Development has never been so fun and so fresh before. The mobile world is getting its taste of how The Web will change its course. [caption id=“attachment_181” align=“aligncenter” width=“282” caption=“Web 3.0”][/caption] Over the years, your mobile phone anywhere in the world has been a primary need in metropolitans. When it’s came to this stage, mobile phones are practically a part of our daily routines. [Read More]